As the title says, I've lived through "one year" out of the closet. And what an amazing year it has been. moving forward from where I left of I told my mom via text. Not the best decision but it was nice to have her know...
September I went to school and met so many amazing people. The best part was knowing I could be myself upfront! No LIES to uphold! My school is a place where I know I am comfortable. In fact within the first week I had purchased the song "this is me" from camp rock. Also my school offered other opportunities to expand my "network". I went to one Quest meeting, that's EMU's gay support club. I didn't overly enjoy it but I did meet and Amazing Bromo. After school activities were fun too! The Gay Clubs are fun but can be a bit intimidating with all the horndogs...
Moving beyond the school-year I had a chance to meet up with the boy from last summer twice. He lives in Indianapolis now and seems to be doing awesome in his new career. I guess he'll always be my summer boy X2. But I can say for now I am content with where I'm at this point in my life I'm focusing on me and my dreams. I know the perfect guy is out there waiting for me and I'll find him eventually.
Thanks for reading,